Warmte terugwin unit (WTW) maakt lawaai

Hello everyone,

Please excuse me for writing in English, but my Dutch is still not good to write.

I have the heat recovery unit (Warmte terugwin unit) located in a division in the middle of the apartment which makes a lot of noise throughout the day and night.

I would like to insulate the machine and pipes/tubes (as per pictures), in order to reduce the noise. Possibly a box around them, but first I would like to ask if anyone has done anything similar and might have some advices, or if you know a company that can carry a service to reduce the noise.

Any advices are welcome and many thanks in advance!

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
Look like there is too much airresitance.
The dampening is blown up like a balloon.
If the unit get to much resistance by dirty filters or closed air in and return they will het verry noisy.
Thanks for your answer, however, I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
I had the whole ventilation system and machine cleaned this week, and the technician said everything was working fine without issues.
This looks like a balloon which indicates there is to much airresitance.
2 possibilities
1 to small airducts
2 inlet regulators in rooms to far closed.

A service technician only looks at the unit not at the installation behind it.
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Waarderingen: michelg
Geef eens wat meer informatie over de unit. Voor dit type producten kan, is de prijs de je betaald voor de aanschaf behoorlijk van invloed. Omdat de techniek wat betreft het produceren van geluid te onderdrukken kosten verhogend zijn.
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Waarderingen: michelg
I recommand you to contact a specialist, because these kinds of installations are very often not very wel installed. Or they are well installed, but not well fine-tuned (airflow control / fan speeds etc). An expert may find the cause of the noise. That is better than just insulate this unit. Be careful with insulating electrical devices, because the device may become overheated if too much heat cannot escape. I believe the device is situated in a closet with a door. Perhaps it is an option to glue sound isolating foam plates on the inside, so on the walls and doors of the closet. Personally I would spend money on a ventilation expert if it was my own appartment. If you rent the appartment, then ask the owner to take action.
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Waarderingen: michelg
@Wgb, the unit is Renovent HR 4/0 LBP Medium met bypass, from 2012.
When I am next to the unit I can confirm the noise comes from the pipes/tubes and less noise comes from the actual machine.

Below are the decibels for every level:
Setting 1: 66 to 71 dBs (125 m3/h)
Setting 2: 67 to 73 dBs (150 m3/h)
Setting 3: 78 to 89 dBs (254 m3/h)

Were you looking for any other information?
Thank you for your input @The headhunter and @MrHusky.

I have decided to put sound isolating foam plates on the closet door and look for a specialist to have a look at the unit and installation.
Do you have any recommendations for any specific kind of sound isolating foam plates?

Regarding the specialist, would that be a ventilation specialist, or what would be the type of specialist's name? Ideally written in Dutch so I can look for someone in Zaandam area.
Je zou eens kunnen proberen met een autostethoscoop het lawaai te lokaliseren.
Met een schroevendraaier zo het ook kunnen. Het handvat aan het oor. De punt op verschillende plekken op de unit.
De unit draait 10 jaar. Geen idee hoe lang lagers van de motor en de ventilator mee kunnen.
Geluid laat zich gemakkelijk door de buizen meevoeren.
Heb je een smartphone download een Decibel APP heb of krijg je in ieder geval getallen en een beter inzicht hoe lastig geluid kan zijn.

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